Wednesday, 26 November 2008


Im a big fan of Facebook...I work from home on a computer so I have plenty of time when Im not speaking to people at work so I have a little browse on what people are up to. I've often got stick for updating my status too often (2x a day is not often!). Anyway I found a group that sums the whole thing up! "Im not drinking for a year". There was only 1 member and no admin so I've taken over the group. Hopefully more people will join . Within 3 minutes of me updating this group one of my 'friends' on facebook send me a 'cosmopolitan request'..Ignore. It did make me smile though

Sods Law

The first week we gave up drinking a case of free wine arrived on our doorstep...seriously! I forgot that I switched energy suppliers and it came with a free case of Virgin Wine. Also that month the kitchen got fitted...with the wine rack I specifically requested (I really didnt think that through)
In the end we gave most of the wine away and kept 4 bottles just to fill the rack (which then got drunk by friends and family over the next month!).

Its always the same when you give something up, there always seems to be multiple reasons to start again. Its like when you quit smoking and can only see cigarettes in everyones hands you pass in the street (its a bit like a super can sense it without even trying).
The truth is though that these things would have happened anyway and will continue to happen, so when people say 'oh but you can drink just think once, its a special occasion' (for them). They dont realise that everyone has special occasions and if that were an excuse you'd never give up.
In fact while on this subject I'll mention a type of people who although are dear friends, bug me for this reason...I hear every time were in a situation where they are drinking and we are not 'your not as much fun when your not drinking'. The truth is I'm sick of F***ing hearing you say that 10 times during the night. Perhaps if you didnt mention it every 30 minutes, I would have a better time!! (I'll protect your name for the sake of privacy but you know who you are ;-) Seriously though, if I'm the type of person who only amuses you when I'm drunk then either you need better friends or I need to change! (god I hope I'm not like Fun Bobby from Friends!).

Another coincidence recently was that I won an award at work. A trip to London and a free bar! Bloody place didnt have anything for non-drinkers except water and OJ! Still it was a good night and testament to having a good time without alcohol. In fact if we had been drunk we probably wouldnt have wandered around London at 1am laughing at people drinking wine out of the bottle in McDonald's at Marble Arch...classy!

Off to a 70's party on Friday. Shame I dont do drugs would be 'in theme' and not drinking wouldn't be an issue at all. Truth is I'm sure it will be a good night, and I've almost forgotten what it is to drink in a pub/party situation anymore, so I'll be 'gett'in my groove on' and dancing the night away...providing I remember to get a costume. I think I'll post some pictures after the party.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008


Its been 110 days since I last had a drink of beer!

So...why have I started this blog? I've often thought about blogging given that I work in IT and I'm a geek!! Its my 29th year on this planet and I think I have something worth writing about. I've decided to give up alcohol for a year (as has my lovely wife).
We had talked about this a few times in the past year, I think more trying to see if the other one was serious or not, finally after 1 hangover too many we decided to take the plunge and start from 1st Jan 2009...oh but wait! cant do that because it would run over my 30th Birthday (and that would be no fun!), so after a bit of a rethink we started our mission on 7th August 2008 (with a hangover).
When we first told people we were going to do this most peoples reaction was "why?...whatever (you'll never do it), yeah yeah". Its now been 110 days and we've been to parties, award ceremonies, meals with friends and family and just down the pub and not a drop of alcohol has been consumed!
I think the best thing about not drinking (apart from the £50 we save in taxis each time) is that we've started to do things we never would have done before. Last month we danced on stage at the Billingsgate in London totally sober. Now normally I would never dance...for 2 reasons: 1 I cant dance, and mobile phones can now video dancing! However as a sober person I can make the personal choice to make a fool of myself...and I quite enjoyed it!
Ive been looking back over the past 110 days (I can do that thanks to facebook!) and heres a summary of the things I've done sober:
  • My 29th Birthday (I got a boat!) We stayed in a country house and had a great time. We took non-alcoholic beer and to be honest I'm glad. I didnt get tired, we stayed up late and we really got the most out of our money
  • Sky Diving. I did my first tandem sky dive
  • Been out with work (this was one of the first 'no beer' nights and my boss even commented on how civilised it all was (he doesnt drink anyway). Not drinking also meant I could leave early the next day which was a bonus
  • Been to the pub/partys. Have to admit this is one area where although I've still had a good night I havent stayed until the end. I wanted to make a big deal about how it wouldnt change anything by not drinking but it does. Sitting in a crappy pub surrounded by people who slowly get stupider isnt that much fun. The answer is to stay for 3 drinks and leave!! This has the added bonus of getting 2 nights out of 1 which we've used to go see other friends in other pubs or just chill out at home

Over the next 9 months I have a holiday to Cyprus to see my brother get married (opted to stay in a Villa with a pool rather than near the pubs!!), work nights out, friends 30th birthdays, weddings (if certain people get their finger out! you know who you are!), Christmas, New Year and god knows what else...So I'm going to start blogging and hopefully people with find what I have to say entertaining/amusing/interesting