Sunday, 9 August 2009

Its all over!

We'll after a long day on Friday we finally sat down about 7pm to have our first drink in over a year. We had pink champagne (bought by a friend as a 'welcome back'). It was really weird because when you drink regularly you dont wait for the effect to hit you, but we just kept saying 'anything yet?'. By the time we'd finished the champagne my wives cousin and his wife came round to say hello (and also brought us champagne!). I started on the red wine even though I knew I shouldn't mix the two. Had a great night and then about midnight I decided i felt a bit ill so I went to go to the bathroom. My wife said 'dont go to bed' which I had no intention of doing but then the idea was planted in my head. At this point I threw up! After about 5 mins I was ok to make it into bed. I text my wife to say I was ill and then I went to sleep. Woke up the next day with my first hangover in a year. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, and although I couldn't have driven anywhere, I could have struggled through a day if I had lots of plans luckily I didnt so we just watched TV all day, which was nice).

We made arrangements to go for a few drinks and a meal today but I just dont want to drink. This isnt like when people say 'im never drinking again' after one too many, and then next week they start again, its more like although Friday was fun, I think it would have been just a fun without alcohol and now the year is up in some ways its like the choice is back in my hands (although it always was really) and I'm choosing not to drink for now. I've decided to take the car today and the next time I'll be drinking it will just be to toast a wedding...I've decided to take the car as it will save the bride and groom getting a larger mini-bus and like I say I just cant be bothered. I think I'll enjoy a wine with a meal etc but certainly not a bottle! ;-)

Its been an excellent year and its been totally worth it. I think I'll keep the blog going for a little while and update from time to time if I'm drinking just to see what the after effect of this year has been (one thing I learned is your alcohol tolerance doesn't change...I was no more or less drunk than I would have been 2 years ago!)

Friday, 7 August 2009


Still not had a drink yet. Will probably be this afternoon. In the mean time I've been thinking about what else I could challenge myself with and I think I've come up with a good one...I'm going to give up Facebook for a month! I seriously think that will be harder than giving up drinking. I came up with the idea because we said that we'd lock up our mobile phones today once we started drinking to stop us making idiots of ourselves while we get used to drinking again (Facebook updates etc), and I was wondering if we'd actually do it. I tend to update Facebook on average once or twice a day but I access Facebook much more than that to check other people Facebook updates. Pretty much everytime I have a spare minute (far too easy when you have an iPhone! Not sure when I'll start but I think sometime in the next week...

Year up!!!

Well it's been a year! Last night our close friend called over and brought us some pink campagne and a card to welcome us back to drinking, which was so nice of her. As long as my father in laws hospital visit goes ok today we'll be sharing it later...

Thursday, 6 August 2009

364 1/2 Days!

Wow! This seriously has been a weird year. As Ive said before, sometimes it feels like its flown over but then other times when I look back on things like my parachute jump, it seems like years. I feel like a 17 year old about to be legally allowed to drink tomorrow. I bet I feel like I'm going to be asked for ID (chance would be a fine thing!).
It nothing else this year has taught me new ways to have fun. I'll still drink but I'm keen to keep broken certain habits, like drinking at friends houses when all were doing is having a few people round to watch some movies etc. Theres no point in situations like that...I used to think it 'made the night' but I was totally wrong, it just shortened it when I'd fall asleep at midnight!
Tomorrow should be interesting though!...

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Naked wines

I think the founder of naked wines has commented on my blog, which is really nice...perhaps he'll be kind enough to send me some wine to review/enjoy ;-)


Well its now been 364 days since we last had a drink. Technically we could start from midnight tomorrow but then I really dont think we'd get much out of drinking at that time of night. We've got plans for the morning now, but I'm off work so as soon as we're done I think its time to get a little tipsy ;-)

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Virgin wines

I wonder if virgin wines know the years up...I'm getting an email a week from them recently!! ;-)