Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy new year!!!

Well it's now 2009! Last night my wife and I drove over 30 or so miles and consumed zero alcohol! It went something like this:
18:30 met the father in law, his wife (step mother in law), and their friends for a meal. We had non alcoholic beer which was actually funny because we were asked by the friends of the family if we were just having the one if we were driving!
20:00 drove 20 or so mile to see some friends who were staying home with their new baby. The baby was drinking Brest milk, dad was on red wine and mum was drinking tea I think ( we had coke...full fat!!)
21:30 went to mother in laws and her boyfriends. He was drinking wiskey, she was having rum and coke ( although I suspect she only had the one ). We had non alcoholic beer left over from Christmas.
23:00 went to mums. Drank coke ( I just remembered I drank 3 red bulls in the car too)
00:00 Happy New Year!!!
00:30 went to aunty in laws and saw cousin in law ( not drinking ) and cousin in laws boyfriend ( doesn't drink but was drinking wine from the bottle??? )
01:30 got home and got asked to 2 partys...I wish I could say we went back out but... Zzzz....
09:00 woke up, no hangover. Text friends to be smug...they are all ill! :-)
I'm updating this on my iPhone so I'll tidy this up later...happy new year !!!!!!

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