Wednesday, 15 April 2009

First Bank Holiday over!

Ive been checking the calendar and we'll have 1 bank holiday this year without 'the ban'. In my local area there are a lot of people who go drinking at the coast on bank holidays. I've never actually been as its 'fight central' and I dont like the place at the best of times. We do normally have a drink on Bank Holidays though, be that a BBQ or just a few glasses of wine (ok Im lying its a bottle!) in the garden. I do kind of miss that although I bought some Schler (spelt wrong!) which was a nice substitute.

I've just been re-reading the blog. Its so weird to read some of it back and see what we've been though that would have involved drinking. It makes me realise what my annual consumption must have been (bearing in mind the uneventful nights of drinking that would have happened but because they didnt I've not written about).

I think our only potential risk factor is the Holiday. Its the final major event to get though without drinking (my wife's birthday is in May but we've already done mine sober so it will be the same). I really like having a drink on the plane...normally just 1 or 2 but still. I couldnt drink on the way there this time anyway as I'm driving at the other end, which is really good. We're going to have a private pool thought and it would have been nice to sit round it having BBQ and a few drinks. Oh well, its not the end of the world, the holiday should be great and I think we've proven we dont need alcohol to have fun!!

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