Monday, 1 December 2008

'Tis the season

Well its the 1st of December and for those of us who live in the UK (as opposed to the US where thanksgiving already started the holidays off) the ramp up to Christmas and the holiday season begins!...but first a little about my weekend. It was rubbish!! Should have been going to a party but circumstances conspired against us so we didnt make it, I did get a little pleasure in seeing a comment left on my blog (the first of many I hope)
When I gave up drinking for a year the first thing everybody said was 'What about Christmas?' to which I replied with the simple answer 'I dont drink on Christmas day'. The main reason I dont drink on Christmas day is that I usually drive from house to house seeing the family and by the time ive been fed I cant be bothered with beer (I might have 1 at the end of the night. I know a lot of people I know go out on Christmas eve...I've never understood this. Even though we dont have kids (we'll we have a dog and a gecko so I suppose we do ;-) Christmas Eve is a time for wrapping presents, posting the cards in person we forgot to post before the deadline (even though I'm writing about this now I'll still forget) and watching some movie like 'Its a wonderful life'. Its not, in my opinion, a time for throwing up in the gutter!! That said New Year I usually get wasted which is fun!
This new year is going to be different. Firstly I'm not bothered at all about 'spoiling' new year by not drinking because lets face it...its always rubbish. This year I'm going to drive to see my friends and family at various party's and see as many people as I can (theres no way I could get enough taxis to do this if I we're drinking!) So I'm going to start forming a battle plan soon so I can make it to everyones house/pub I can in 5 hours!!
I read a comment on the site mentioned above and although as I'm finding not drinking quite easy now I really like this as a mantra for stress in general “your situation is like someone that thinks they’re drowning but doesn’t realize that they’re only knee deep in water. Stand up and move on.” nice!

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