Tuesday, 9 December 2008

The World Wide Web and Alcohol

I actually got a lunch break today! It happens about every 6 weeks or so. I decided to see what I could do with the blog. I added a stats counter (although I think its broken as its stuck at 1 and I got other people to visit the blog and it didnt go up), and I also added a link to the blog to various forums on google.
While surfing the web it seems that giving up drinking is quite popular! Who knew?! I found this article very funny. Its about a womans attempt at quitting drinking for 30 days:

Part 1
Part 2

Its actually surprising how many people my age (nearly 30) are trying to give up the booze (I think as a long term strategy to cutting back rather than abstaining for life). I think its a quarter life crisis (at least if they do cut back it might really be just a quarter!).
The more I think about alcohol the more I really dont want to binge drink when this is over. I know once I've started again I'll start to forget some of the lessons learned so perhaps this blog is a good idea...Its a reminder to me that when my head was alcohol free for over 4 months I thought getting drunk was pretty pathetic and stopped me doing loads of things which I would otherwise have done.
What I like about reading peoples articles online about them quitting drinking for 30 days is that its pretty much the same old story...there not "alcoholics" but they really cant just give up. Im not sure what this says about these people, but I really dont think they're any different to me or the average person who drinks, and thats what makes me wonder...what makes an alcoholic? I suppose its someone who is dependant on alcohol...but doesn't that make anyone who even thinks twice, or gets tempted to have a beer when giving up for 30 days an alcoholic? If so I think pretty much every person I know who drinks is one!!

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