Monday 1 July 2024

15 years later...

I wanted to update this just in case anyone ever comes across it. What I learned within months of doing this is moderation isn't a thing for anyone who's had to really think about their drinking. It just doesnt work. You can't reset your drinking. I ended up quitting for good in 2016 and life is so much better because of it. Find yourself a supportive community (like Over the Influence for example) and stick with it. Life without Alcohol is great, I promise!!

Sunday 9 August 2009

Its all over!

We'll after a long day on Friday we finally sat down about 7pm to have our first drink in over a year. We had pink champagne (bought by a friend as a 'welcome back'). It was really weird because when you drink regularly you dont wait for the effect to hit you, but we just kept saying 'anything yet?'. By the time we'd finished the champagne my wives cousin and his wife came round to say hello (and also brought us champagne!). I started on the red wine even though I knew I shouldn't mix the two. Had a great night and then about midnight I decided i felt a bit ill so I went to go to the bathroom. My wife said 'dont go to bed' which I had no intention of doing but then the idea was planted in my head. At this point I threw up! After about 5 mins I was ok to make it into bed. I text my wife to say I was ill and then I went to sleep. Woke up the next day with my first hangover in a year. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, and although I couldn't have driven anywhere, I could have struggled through a day if I had lots of plans luckily I didnt so we just watched TV all day, which was nice).

We made arrangements to go for a few drinks and a meal today but I just dont want to drink. This isnt like when people say 'im never drinking again' after one too many, and then next week they start again, its more like although Friday was fun, I think it would have been just a fun without alcohol and now the year is up in some ways its like the choice is back in my hands (although it always was really) and I'm choosing not to drink for now. I've decided to take the car today and the next time I'll be drinking it will just be to toast a wedding...I've decided to take the car as it will save the bride and groom getting a larger mini-bus and like I say I just cant be bothered. I think I'll enjoy a wine with a meal etc but certainly not a bottle! ;-)

Its been an excellent year and its been totally worth it. I think I'll keep the blog going for a little while and update from time to time if I'm drinking just to see what the after effect of this year has been (one thing I learned is your alcohol tolerance doesn't change...I was no more or less drunk than I would have been 2 years ago!)

Friday 7 August 2009


Still not had a drink yet. Will probably be this afternoon. In the mean time I've been thinking about what else I could challenge myself with and I think I've come up with a good one...I'm going to give up Facebook for a month! I seriously think that will be harder than giving up drinking. I came up with the idea because we said that we'd lock up our mobile phones today once we started drinking to stop us making idiots of ourselves while we get used to drinking again (Facebook updates etc), and I was wondering if we'd actually do it. I tend to update Facebook on average once or twice a day but I access Facebook much more than that to check other people Facebook updates. Pretty much everytime I have a spare minute (far too easy when you have an iPhone! Not sure when I'll start but I think sometime in the next week...

Year up!!!

Well it's been a year! Last night our close friend called over and brought us some pink campagne and a card to welcome us back to drinking, which was so nice of her. As long as my father in laws hospital visit goes ok today we'll be sharing it later...

Thursday 6 August 2009

364 1/2 Days!

Wow! This seriously has been a weird year. As Ive said before, sometimes it feels like its flown over but then other times when I look back on things like my parachute jump, it seems like years. I feel like a 17 year old about to be legally allowed to drink tomorrow. I bet I feel like I'm going to be asked for ID (chance would be a fine thing!).
It nothing else this year has taught me new ways to have fun. I'll still drink but I'm keen to keep broken certain habits, like drinking at friends houses when all were doing is having a few people round to watch some movies etc. Theres no point in situations like that...I used to think it 'made the night' but I was totally wrong, it just shortened it when I'd fall asleep at midnight!
Tomorrow should be interesting though!...

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Naked wines

I think the founder of naked wines has commented on my blog, which is really nice...perhaps he'll be kind enough to send me some wine to review/enjoy ;-)


Well its now been 364 days since we last had a drink. Technically we could start from midnight tomorrow but then I really dont think we'd get much out of drinking at that time of night. We've got plans for the morning now, but I'm off work so as soon as we're done I think its time to get a little tipsy ;-)

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Virgin wines

I wonder if virgin wines know the years up...I'm getting an email a week from them recently!! ;-)

Wednesday 29 July 2009

A year of planning messed up...

I have the 7th August booked off work so we could enjoy a beer at the pub at about 11am and then have a few drinks in the house. My father in law has a doctors appointment that day and were going take him to and from it so I guess Ill not be drinking until the evening. Bit of a shame as I'd hoped to have recovered/sobered up by then, but not to worry, can't be helped!

Monday 27 July 2009

Last wedding during the year off...

I was at a friends wedding yesterday. It was the first (UK) wedding I've been at since we undertook the challenge and it was a fantastic day. We ended up on a table with 2 of our close friends and another couple who weren't drinking because they were driving home after the wedding. I asked the waiter to give me a red wine (as did my wife) so our friends could have ours (which actually turned out to be pointless as their glass never got empty before the waiter filled it up). The smell of the red wine started to make me feel sick so I had to move it in the end. Its so weird because I thought I would still like red wine...apparently not!!
We were smoking at the wedding and we started to get to know the usual crowd outside. One person who was nice enough, started to get really annoying when he found out we weren't drinking. He seemed to think it was going to be tempting to have a bottle of beer waved in my face every 5 minutes. I tried to explain that it was just a way of life now and it might as well be trying to tempt me to eat salad, but as he was drunk he just didn't understand.
We had a brilliant time though and the whole day was gone in a flash. We left around midnight and got home about 1...thanks to lack of sleep I now feel hungover! ;-)

Monday 20 July 2009

18 days...

Everytime I look up from life to check how long weve been doing this I get surprised at how quick a year has gone. I noticed in my fridge theres 2 half open bottles of wine, about 6 bottles of beer and another 2 open bottles of wine in the utility room. They've been left over from when people have come over for meals and brought drinks...unfortunately I've gone off all of it...I couldnt face drinking white wine, and lager just seems awful right now. I'd like to try a glass of red to see if I hate that now too (previously my favorite drink). I suspect its going to be really hard to find a drink I like in the future...and I'm not forcing myself to like something...If I dont find a drink I like, I'll just not drink!

Monday 13 July 2009

3 Fridays left...

I'm currently in a hotel as I have a meeting tomorrow. I used to always have beer or wine with a meal when I worked away, mainly to stop boredom. I know now this is one place is stupid to drink. You don't get a good night sleep, your tired on the drive home and you can't expense it!!
With only 3 weeks to go I've been thinking about our first day drinking more. I know it will be a bit of a laugh but I've gone so long without drinking it's like my mind thinks the years not over and I should keep going. I really wonder if I'll still feel this way in a month or by new year?

Tuesday 7 July 2009

1 month 1 day to go...

Its really weird. This last week Ive started to think about when we start drinking again but not in a looking forward to it kind of way, more in the I cant be bothered with it kind of way. I know for sure we'll drink on the first day as thats been the plan all along and its part of the experience, but even that I cant be bothered with. Its so weird. My wife was saying the other day something about a night we have planned after the year and assumed I'd be drinking but I dont think I will. I think it will be really nice to have a drink on my mother in laws wedding day but just a glass of champagne I think.
I'm sure now that I'm going to keep this blog going for a while because I wonder if my fundamental attitude to alcohol has changed, or if this is just how I feel now while I'm not drinking.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Count Down!

The Big Drink Debate

I was checking twitter yesterday when I noticed a tweet from Northumbria Police (northumbriapol) about a 'big drink debate' in the north east of England. Obviously with doing the challenge I had a look and found their message was pretty much what I've come to believe (that you can have drink in moderation and still enjoy yourself).
I emailed them to see if they wanted to link to the blog (always after free publicity ;-) and Matt who is running the PR for the campaign rang me today. He seems interested in what I had to say and the blog might get a little publicity out of it which is nice. I think the message they're promoting though is the right one, and thats to change peoples attitude to drinking...not to stop them but to help them understand that change isnt a bad thing. If your from the North East then perhaps you'll want to fill this survey in. I think I'll re-tweet it on my twitter too.

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Stag do...stag don't

-----Original Message-----
From: David
Sent: 30 June 2009 11:01
To: G
Subject: RE: Stag do


I was ringing before to see if the surfing was on because I was we'll up for that, and I would have gone karting but I don't think I can go on the brewery tour. I'd have to spend the whole time telling people I'm not drinking this month and I have a low tolerance for people saying 'just make an expectation'!! I'll make it up to you on the wedding day by being one of the few sober people there with access to a car if you need anything at all on the day...sorry about this. Although I said I wouldn't let not drinking stop me going on nights out (and its hasn't for the most part) I don't think I can socialise with people I don't know in a brewery! The irony is in the past year I've gone right off the thought of lager. (38 days to go before the year is up ;-)


Tuesday 23 June 2009

Off to the pub quiz tonight

Im off to the pub quiz in a minute. Its weird because I avoided this so much over the last few months. I think it was my last preconception of things you really need to be drunk for. Actually I like going to the quiz, and most people dont drink anyway. I cant believe its 6 weeks until we can drink again. I really feel this year has been a fantastic experience, and I've never felt so proud of myself. That said...weve been talking about our first drink. Ive taken the day off work and were going to have pink champagne and a nice brandy.Should be fun! Still got the stag do, wedding and concert to go to though so im in no hurry. I wish someone would invent true blood beer before I start drinking again! :-)

Monday 15 June 2009

Wedding in Cyprus (in an all inclusive hotel)

I've just arrived back from my brothers wedding in Cyprus. We changed our hotel at the last minute to an all inclusive which started people commenting on the alcohol again. Even when I explained it was about the hotels location and facilites, they would still go on and on.

I have to admit I was tempted once. This as made worse because so was my wife (who has now become very anti-alcohol in responce to other people telling her to just give up giving up,, and also seeing them drunk). It was the first day of the holiday and we arrived at 6am. We were round the pool by 9 and that's when we started talking about if we were doing the right thing. I think it all comes down to new experience. We were only tempted because we hadn't yet been on holiday (especially all inclusive) while not drinking. My wife said if they sold pink champagne in the hotel then she would like to drink. Although I agreed, I didn't run off to check, I just waited until 2pm when I passed the inside bar. When I was about to ask my wife started having doubts so I said 'right, we keep going then'. I think we would have both been really dissapointed if we hadn't made the year. The holiday was great and I didn't miss alcohol at all from that point (you can torture yourself if you dwell on these things, and let's face it, it's only alcohol).

At the end of the week was the wedding which had a free bar put on by my brother and his wife! You have to laugh ;-)

I've got loads of new 'not drinking stuff' coming up in the next month and a bit (before the year is over). I'm at a stag do, at a concert on the edge of a cliff, and I've got a wedding...and that will be interesting as it's wedding hangovers that kind of started this in the first place!!

Monday 20 April 2009

Stag do!

I've just been invited to a friends stag do. Exactly 1 month before I drink again! It should be fun and Im looking forward to it because it will be a totally new not drinking experience, and although temptation is still with me today, if I make it to month 11 then there's no way I'll be tempted then.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

First Bank Holiday over!

Ive been checking the calendar and we'll have 1 bank holiday this year without 'the ban'. In my local area there are a lot of people who go drinking at the coast on bank holidays. I've never actually been as its 'fight central' and I dont like the place at the best of times. We do normally have a drink on Bank Holidays though, be that a BBQ or just a few glasses of wine (ok Im lying its a bottle!) in the garden. I do kind of miss that although I bought some Schler (spelt wrong!) which was a nice substitute.

I've just been re-reading the blog. Its so weird to read some of it back and see what we've been though that would have involved drinking. It makes me realise what my annual consumption must have been (bearing in mind the uneventful nights of drinking that would have happened but because they didnt I've not written about).

I think our only potential risk factor is the Holiday. Its the final major event to get though without drinking (my wife's birthday is in May but we've already done mine sober so it will be the same). I really like having a drink on the plane...normally just 1 or 2 but still. I couldnt drink on the way there this time anyway as I'm driving at the other end, which is really good. We're going to have a private pool thought and it would have been nice to sit round it having BBQ and a few drinks. Oh well, its not the end of the world, the holiday should be great and I think we've proven we dont need alcohol to have fun!!

Monday 13 April 2009

For the first time in ages I spent the night in the pub....

We went for a meal with friends on Saturday. My friends ordered a White Russian and a glass of wine. We drank non-alcoholic beer. Afterwards we went to a local country pub and had a really great night (obviously we werent drinking) but at one point I wondered why they were repeating themselves...and then I realised! ;-) I'd forgotten what being around people drinking was like. Its not that they were drunk...just a little tipsy. In fact it was just the right amount (and I suspect part of the reason one of my friends was so quick with the jokes around midnight). Sometimes alcholol is fun...even if its not you drinking it!

Saturday 11 April 2009

I see Zombies!!!

We've settled back into the not drinking idea now. It's much easier when your decided on keeping going.

Last night my wife went to a leaving party from her old job. Most people were drinking but she had fun sober. I drove to pick her up at 1230am (and bear in mind it was bank holiday Friday) the streets were scattered with zombie like people staggering about swilling bottles of beer on their way home. Some were in packs others in pairs, and the odd lone zombie. It's quite funny seeing people in that state when your sober!

Off for a meal with friends tonight. Thell drink nodoubt but I'm glad we'll have the car

Monday 6 April 2009

I came this close || to breaking the years pledge!

Its been a funny couple of weeks. My wife got made redundant (voluntary) which made us both happy on the whole. A new start. We started talking about if we should celebrate with a bottle of champagne. I cant remember which one of us started to weaken first but whoever it was the other one stood firm and said it probably wasnt the right time....and then then later we switched roles and started debating the opposite to our original point. This has been happening all week and then today we were at a restaurant with a friend and we basically decided we were going to drink this week. My wife is going to a friends house for a kind of leaving party and I said if your drinking there then we have to have a drink together first, since we started this together we should finish it that way (also it might be a good idea to see what light weights we have become first!).
Later on today I asked if we were really going to do it and my wife said we should ask people on the blog, our Facebook friends and twitter. I posted a 'tweet' and a status update and then after about 10 mins my wife said 'I dont think we should do it' - meaning give in. I was glad she said this really as it would all have been a bit rushed and anit-climactic.
Im not sure if we'll make the year but I think were going to give it a good shot. Its been harder since the pressure of life has been lifted. Weve been tea-total for 9 months now and about 8 of those have been the most stressful of our lives (which I am thankful for...that 'work'was the most stressful thing we've been through...but that doesnt make it any less real while its happening). Now the pressures off its like giving yourself an excuse to break the pledge. Its kind of like 'whats the point?', theres nothing to prove. HOWEVER...something keeps us going, and if nothing else it makes life interesting!!

Oh and as a side note I saw pictures of my niece drinking pints of beer in the same pub I used to drink in when I was 18...I feel so old!!

Sunday 22 March 2009

Still on the waggon...

The hardest part about writing this blog after almost 8 months is that not drinking has now become part of my life so I don't really think about it anymore. Don't get me wrong, I've been tempted to have a drink from time to time but I don't think I was ever that serious.

I really like life without drinking. I don't see some of my friends as often as I used to but I still see them only now it's a better quality experience. I know some people in the family don't ask us out anymore to the pub which is a shame because I miss that.

I've got a holiday/wedding to go to in Cyprus in summer so that will be a new 'not drinking' experience. It's my brothers wedding and he's not invited me to the stag do. Since it's costing me £2000 to go, you'd think I'd get an invite to he stag party. Still Im being grown up about this and assuming it's because I'm not drinking so he's not inviting my for my own good, and not because his geeky brother embarrises him

I'm totally sure when this is over I'll be (almost) tea total...almost ;-)

Ps I'm on the iPhone so excuse the spelling

Sunday 8 March 2009

Should I start drinking again?

Just had a serious chat about starting drinking early. Good points: holiday soon, being drunk. Bad points: it's not a year!

Saturday 7 March 2009

I started smoking again after 18 months!

It was a stupid thing to do. I was stressed and even though I knew it wouldn't help I did it anyway. I guess if I analyse why I'd have to say I was feeling self destructive but I knew alcohol was off limits so that was the next best thing. I smoked pretty much the whole box and now I have a craving to start smoking again. I know it will pass if I just dont touch anymore, and since im not in the habit of smoking it will be much easier than if I associated it with lunch breaks (or drinking!). Silly me!
Ive noticed now that people are totally used to us not drinking and they no longer even comment on it which is nice. We get the occasional 'how long until you are again?' but thats about it. I do miss being around drunk people sometimes...they make me laugh ;-)
Last night we had a friend over who reminded me how red my face was once night and how I got annoyed after they brought it up (what they forgot was they brought it up about 100 times before I lost my temper!) Another reason not to drink...I dont have much of a sense of humor unless I intended to make a fool of myself!!
I do think more and more though that im not going to be a big drinker after this, and if I find myself creeping back into old habits then I'm just going to stop for good. Its just not worth the health issues, the time lost to hangovers, etc etc. If I can just have a few and then go a month without then great, but we'll see. I think one of the biggest lessons ive learned is normal people with seemingly no issues with drinking are terrified of the idea of never drinking again. We'll take it from someone who aint that fact its better to not drink in someways.
I think someone I know might have a problem with alcohol. They drink a 'normal' amount in the pub but just the odd thing they've said or behaviour they've exhibited makes me think there drinking when people aren't around, and there drinking spirits...and thats the thing...ive never seen them drink spirits so it does make me wonder...

Wednesday 25 February 2009

I'm off to bed

I'm stuck in a hotel and I can hear drunk people laughing. They sound like there having fun. I can't remember what's fun about alcohol anymore. It's wierd, I remember the memorys of it but not what it's like. It's like trying to imagine what taking drugs is like based on what ive seen on tv. LOL. Night night

Monday 16 February 2009

2 posts in one day! (it's down hill now!)

Well it's official we now have less days to start drinking than since we've stopped!! As expected it's become harder to stay strong! I said this would happen. I knew it would because when I quit for a month the first 2 weeks were easy but the last 2 got harder as the count down began. What I quite like is that my wife also feels that way. I think it's easier to do things as a team and if we both feel that way I really think it will stop us lapsing as the other one isn't acting superior and saying 'it's easy' etc.

It's funny though, although I'd like a brandy or scotch, I'm just not interested in getting drunk anymore. Perhaps it's because the memory of what it's like fades and is replaced by the reality of what others look like drunk. It probably doesn't help watching shows like 'booze britain'. I really do wonder if my born again tea total (ish) attitude will last for long after August??

I think I'm going a little (more) crazy...

I've said before that I think not drinking alcohol can make you more confident. You know what your doing so your ok with make a fool of youself. I also think the same is true for fun. It started to snow the other day and I found myself at a wallpaper shop buying a sledge!! It was good fun actually, but it does make me wonder if I would have done that had I been filling my weekends with beer.

I passed my exam!!!. As mentioned previously I would have failed this exam if I had have been drinking as I would have had a few beers or a bottle of wine and not had the solid 8 hour revision/learning I had instead. If nothing else being tea total made me a better prospect at work!

Friday 6 February 2009

Some things are really better done drunk...

I was invited to a friend 30th a while back and the party was last weekend. It was fancy dress and was originally supposed to be in a social club which would have been fine as you can 'hide' in some seats, have a laugh at the costumes and leave when your ready. What actually happened was it was moved to the house, everyone knew eachother and I was dressed in a lycra jumpsuit (elton john) with my wife as Marolyn Monroe. oh dear! Now I'm not saying it would have been any less aquard if I had have been drunk but perhaps I would have cared a little less. We made our exit about 11 and i think eveyone else (who knew eachother) had a great time, and I'm really glad, but NEVER NEVER again!!! ;-)

182 days down, 182 days to go!!!

Wow its wierd because in some ways its flown and it other ways it feels like I cant remember drinking. I feel a renewed determination today! Also im on operation 'six pack' for the holiday in June.
Got a text from a friend last week "I must have been sick last night. Theres sick in the sink although I dont remember...hope it was me anyway". Feeling smug :-)

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Nasty nasty drunks

Just had a rather nasty email from one of the family. They're drunk right now and in a pretty nasty place (physical place/location not emotional place, although I guess both is true tonight!).
I hate angry drunks. If you've been like that more than once just stop drinking...seriously. Sometimes I hate booze...(other times I drink it ;-)

Bargaining with the devil...

Recently its been tougher than the initial few months. We've had a lot to contend with and sometimes it would be nice to have a few beers to unwind. I found myself saying the other day 'if 'x' happens then im having the day off the challenge' and I really meant it. Now 'X' is a good thing and so really there is no reason to drink as that news would be enough so I can only assume in a moment of weakness I was giving myself an excuse to break with the challenge...bad me, bad!
I have been thinking about that final day though...Its a Friday (7th August) and Ive been thinking about doing it one of two ways....getting very very drunk and videoing it for your amusement, or just having a civilised glass of wine with a meal. Long term I really want to stick to the civilised option but it might be some fun to do the former...I'll have earned it! Although I will be staying home that day as I suspect 2 beers and Ill not be able to walk!!
I have to admit its been like quitting smoking. First month I thought about it alot, next 4 or 5 were fine (it never fully left my mind on weekends because we were in pubs etc but it was fine) and now after nearly 6 months its been tougher. I suppose the only reason I dont is I hate to loose ;-)

Thursday 22 January 2009

Just sat an exam...

I'm just updating via my iPhone today as I'm on a train coming back from an 'ITIL' exam in London. I'm so glad I'm not drinking because I know I'd have had a bottle of wine or at least a few beers! Instead I spend 8 hours watching a training package on the subject and since I'm currently wondering if I scraped a pass, I think it's best I spent my time revising and getting a proper sleep. I'm fact should I pass, I'll have to say that I would had failed for sure if I'd had a drink.
Got a funeral tomorrow. It's going to be wierd not drinking at a wake. Feels strange even commenting on it, but that's what people do at a wake and it will feel aquard telling people who offer me a drink why. Perhaps I'll say 'I'm driving...probably will anyway. Drinking aside, it's going to be emotionally tough tomorrow

Friday 16 January 2009

Its not been a good new year so better get better thats all I can say!

Without going in to any detail I dont think I've even felt more stressed than I do right now. Im a pretty laid back person and I think thats why I dont often get stressed but hardly a minute goes by over the past few weeks that I haven't felt stress. I have to admit that if ever I was going to be tempted to have a drink early (i.e. before August 09) it was going to be the past few weeks. Ive even started to crave cigarettes! Ive not had a cigarette for over a year and a half and I've been tempted to start smoking this week. Its only because I've read Alan Carr's book that I know I wouldnt get anything out of it. The 'relief' I remember from having a cigarette was only relieving the physical addiction and since i dont feel that anymore theres little point...thanks Alan! Hope you enjoy it up there!
As for drinking I must admit there have been times I've thought 'stuff it'. I mean its not like I'm an alcoholic and I only entered into this whole thing light-hearted, but the problem is I'm stubborn and I dont think I could quit quitting if I wanted to...I'd feel like I'd let myself down too much. I think my stubbornness is the reason I know everything is going to be ok in the long run. I'll just keep plodding on until I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and things return to normal in my life...I like normal!
I spoilt myself the other day and bought an xbox 360. The money we save on alcohol makes me not feel too guilty about it. We got 'Lips' the karaoke game. Normally I would never sing in public when drinking as I know what a fool I'd look, however like most things when sober...if you choose to look a fool then its not so scary so I've had a great laugh playing it with my wife and my friends.

Monday 5 January 2009

New Year, New Determination!

Well we managed to have a nice Christmas and New Year and I really didnt miss alcohol one bit. There was perhaps once that I thought it would have been nice to drown my sorrows after a few nightmare ish days, but thats hardly a reason to drink even when I drank before this challenge, so its totally no reason to drink now!
On new years eve I really wanted a cigar which I think was more about tradition than my smoking addiction (havent smoked in 1 year 5 months). I think its probably best I didnt have one as its probably a 'gateway' to cigarettes.
A few days ago we went to a neighbours party. Got the usual questions as to why we werent drinking etc etc (we live in a quiet 'middle class' street and they have seen me dancing on the garage roof at one of our parties!). We gave them the abridged explanation of having too many weddings last year and getting sick of drinking and they left it at that. It was a nice night and its always nice to see them as they have been friends for years and always have funny storys to tell. As is becoming the norm we were the first to leave! I also think our not drinking is having a knock on effect to other people. we got asked to a friends house for a night in and although most people couldnt make it I know that if I had have been drinking they would have drank more than the couple of cans they did...Interesting!

Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy new year!!!

Well it's now 2009! Last night my wife and I drove over 30 or so miles and consumed zero alcohol! It went something like this:
18:30 met the father in law, his wife (step mother in law), and their friends for a meal. We had non alcoholic beer which was actually funny because we were asked by the friends of the family if we were just having the one if we were driving!
20:00 drove 20 or so mile to see some friends who were staying home with their new baby. The baby was drinking Brest milk, dad was on red wine and mum was drinking tea I think ( we had coke...full fat!!)
21:30 went to mother in laws and her boyfriends. He was drinking wiskey, she was having rum and coke ( although I suspect she only had the one ). We had non alcoholic beer left over from Christmas.
23:00 went to mums. Drank coke ( I just remembered I drank 3 red bulls in the car too)
00:00 Happy New Year!!!
00:30 went to aunty in laws and saw cousin in law ( not drinking ) and cousin in laws boyfriend ( doesn't drink but was drinking wine from the bottle??? )
01:30 got home and got asked to 2 partys...I wish I could say we went back out but... Zzzz....
09:00 woke up, no hangover. Text friends to be smug...they are all ill! :-)
I'm updating this on my iPhone so I'll tidy this up later...happy new year !!!!!!

Wednesday 24 December 2008

It twas the night before Christmas...

It twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, nobody was drunk not even me!
Got up at 5am today to do the Christmas shop. Spent an absolute fortune on food and drink. I bought myself a bottle of non-alcoholic red. Ive drank 2 bottles of that now. Its not something I could get used to long term but it is nice during the holidays.
My wife and I have spent the day cooking turkey (I cleaned up, my wife cooked), and preparing food ready for tomorrows family dinner. There will be seven of us for dinner itself with lots more calling in. Ive got a spare 30 minutes in the house by myself tonight while my wife is at a 'christingle' service at the church with my mum in law so I thought I'd update the blog. Every Christmas eve we have a tradition of watching a Christmas movie in the bath while drinking pink champagne. Obviously thats out of the question this year but we didnt want to break tradition so we bought non-alcoholic sparkling while and while my wife was out I added red food colouring (clever eh!?!), ran the bath and loaded its a wonderful life on the laptop...the tradition lives on!!
As ive said previously Christmas has never been big on my drinking agenda but its funny how many people are over reacting to Christmas and my not drinking. Someone at work asked if I'd be giving up giving up over christmas,and Ive lost count of the number of guests who've assumed they shouldn’t/couldn’t drink on Christmas day just because we're not.

[Christmas movie has now been cancelled....I was just interrupted by my wife coming back and we went to deliver a turkey sandwich to my father in law and his wife, who are coming tomorrow for dinner but wanted an early sample. We've got too much to do now so it been decided...bath, fake wine, tv specials on tv while peeling veg and decorating cake number 3]

I wish everyone a safe and merry Christmas and I'll update again before new year!!

Wednesday 10 December 2008

My first glass of (non-alcoholic) red wine after 4 months!!

I went out into the cold last night to get a bottle of this wine from Asda. I was pretty excited and I was convinced that when I got there, there wouldn't be any left...however happily I was wrong!. It wasn't with the wine, it was with the beer (perhaps they would sell more if it was!). They had a little section of low (8%) and non (less than 0.5%) alcoholic wines. Theres plenty of white wines out there but this is the first red I've seen that wasn't on the net (and therefore you can buy by the bottle not the case).

When I got home I cracked it open and was really surprised to find it smelt exactly like red wife will confirm this after she gagged when I asked her to smell it (she hates red wine after one too many (bottles) a few years ago).

Now, before I go on, understand I have a cold (well its really man flu but we'll not go into that) so my smell and taste could be impaired. The taste was like a weak Merlot but I was still more than pleased with it after 4 months of missing my favorite tipple. I think I'll be buying up a case of this for over Christmas!

When I bought this I did think of a friend of mine who said they would give up drinking but they liked the taste of red wine (that must be why they buy bottles for under £5). I'll be giving them a bottle of this for Christmas so they dont have to drink anymore ;-)

So it looks like I'm stocked up for Christmas and I'm quite looking forward to it. Plus people wont keep asking why im not drinking as they'll never know my nice little red is alcohol free...until I jump in the car!

One thing that I did find strange...I got a 'beer flush' from it! Now this was either psychologically induced or its something in the grapes rather than the alcohol that gave my cheeks that rosy glow! oh well, at least red cheeks are festive!

Tuesday 9 December 2008

How come nobody told me????????

They sell Sutter Home Fre Merlot (Alcohol free red wine...well its 0.3% but anything under 0.5% doesnt count...that was a rule we put in early!) in Asda and Tesco!!! Im off there tonight to do a shop and I'll pick some up! I only knew about online shops, which is fine if you want a case but if you dont know if you'll like it whats the point! Movie and a glass of wine! nice!!

The World Wide Web and Alcohol

I actually got a lunch break today! It happens about every 6 weeks or so. I decided to see what I could do with the blog. I added a stats counter (although I think its broken as its stuck at 1 and I got other people to visit the blog and it didnt go up), and I also added a link to the blog to various forums on google.
While surfing the web it seems that giving up drinking is quite popular! Who knew?! I found this article very funny. Its about a womans attempt at quitting drinking for 30 days:

Part 1
Part 2

Its actually surprising how many people my age (nearly 30) are trying to give up the booze (I think as a long term strategy to cutting back rather than abstaining for life). I think its a quarter life crisis (at least if they do cut back it might really be just a quarter!).
The more I think about alcohol the more I really dont want to binge drink when this is over. I know once I've started again I'll start to forget some of the lessons learned so perhaps this blog is a good idea...Its a reminder to me that when my head was alcohol free for over 4 months I thought getting drunk was pretty pathetic and stopped me doing loads of things which I would otherwise have done.
What I like about reading peoples articles online about them quitting drinking for 30 days is that its pretty much the same old story...there not "alcoholics" but they really cant just give up. Im not sure what this says about these people, but I really dont think they're any different to me or the average person who drinks, and thats what makes me wonder...what makes an alcoholic? I suppose its someone who is dependant on alcohol...but doesn't that make anyone who even thinks twice, or gets tempted to have a beer when giving up for 30 days an alcoholic? If so I think pretty much every person I know who drinks is one!!

Monday 8 December 2008

A week of saying NO!

Its been a funny week for the old 'I'm not drinking for a year' thing'. It started when my wife pointed out that we cant have our annual tradition of pink champagne on Christmas Eve. She said we should have written it into the rules but we didnt so I guess we'll have to start that again next Christmas!
As you'd expect people are starting to ask us to Christmasy things which involve booze (for them!). We're off to the pub this week for our annual Christmas get together with our friends. It should be good and as we have no plans we might even stay until the end!
We went to a 21st birthday party for one of our neighbours briefly before going elsewhere...there was more booze at that party than in Threshers the week before Christmas!! Still I was impressed at the lack of non drunk looking kids (im 8 years older so I can call them kids!)
My mate from the RAF called last night. Asked if I wanted to do something when he was back...our friendship is built around getting very drunk and staggering about (and has been since we were about 14) so I've said I'll go to the pub but no all day benders as theres not much point for Sober Joe here. He asked the question "WHY?" I said "why not"
New Year is planned out now and were taking passengers on our trip to see as many people as we can! Should be fun.
Theres a show on "current tv" (some wierd channel on sky) about binge drinking this week (its actually lots of little shows spread over 2 hours and not all of them are about alcohol). Anyway I reccomend it...theres lots of different storys of interest
The ramp up to Christmas has begun and I'm not missing booze at all...although the strangest thing wife said she really fancied a nice brandy (just one glass) and weirdly so did I (I had thought the exact same thing the day before)...we dont even drink brandy!!

Tuesday 2 December 2008


Its becoming apparent that when you say you are going to give up drinking for a certain amount of time people ask you why. This isn't just like 'why are you going to the shops?' its more like 'Why would you want to jump off the bridge?' I find this really funny. People assume that if your wanting to not drink then you must have a problem. Truth is if you cant or wont consider giving up I'd say it's you that have a greater problem. To all those people who couldn't give up drinking for just a year I say "Why?" (obviously I'm not having a go at people with real issues with alcohol...its the ones that claim not too that I'm asking the question 'if you dont have a problem how come you cant give up?" ).

I don't think I have a problem with alcohol, certainly no more than any of my friends or family (a lot less in most cases actually!), instead I have a 'reason' for giving up, or in fact I have a list of reasons/observations. Here's some of them:
  • To see if I can (if I cant I really would have a problem ;-)

  • To challenge myself (I like doing that. I dont like not wearing a t-shirt in summer so to get over my self conciousness I walked naked in Newcastle for 4 hours as part of an art project (see picture))

  • When I quit smoking nobody asked why!

  • Because it annoys other people. Its like your attacking thier way of life (sad and also I've been guilty of this...sorry Sean!)

  • Because its opens up a whole new world (like this New Year where I can drive to see everyone I want too

  • Because I often think what will people in 100 years think about us. Like when kids cant understand we once thought the earth was flat, I think in 100 years we'll look back and laugh at those primitive fools who appear in the Internet Archives on TV shows called 'Binge Drink Britain'

  • Because if one day I have kids they will not grow up seeing their parents binge drinking.
This last ones important to me. I don't know if I'll ever want kids but if I do it will be in the next 6 years (before I'm 35) and I wont be one of these parents who wonders why there children are messed up when they didn't do everything they could to give them every chance in life. That means eating right, exercising, reading as often as I can and generally setting a good example.

In summary don't ask me why I'm doing this unless you want a long drawn out answer that will imply you have a problem for not doing it yourself ;-)

Monday 1 December 2008

'Tis the season

Well its the 1st of December and for those of us who live in the UK (as opposed to the US where thanksgiving already started the holidays off) the ramp up to Christmas and the holiday season begins!...but first a little about my weekend. It was rubbish!! Should have been going to a party but circumstances conspired against us so we didnt make it, I did get a little pleasure in seeing a comment left on my blog (the first of many I hope)
When I gave up drinking for a year the first thing everybody said was 'What about Christmas?' to which I replied with the simple answer 'I dont drink on Christmas day'. The main reason I dont drink on Christmas day is that I usually drive from house to house seeing the family and by the time ive been fed I cant be bothered with beer (I might have 1 at the end of the night. I know a lot of people I know go out on Christmas eve...I've never understood this. Even though we dont have kids (we'll we have a dog and a gecko so I suppose we do ;-) Christmas Eve is a time for wrapping presents, posting the cards in person we forgot to post before the deadline (even though I'm writing about this now I'll still forget) and watching some movie like 'Its a wonderful life'. Its not, in my opinion, a time for throwing up in the gutter!! That said New Year I usually get wasted which is fun!
This new year is going to be different. Firstly I'm not bothered at all about 'spoiling' new year by not drinking because lets face it...its always rubbish. This year I'm going to drive to see my friends and family at various party's and see as many people as I can (theres no way I could get enough taxis to do this if I we're drinking!) So I'm going to start forming a battle plan soon so I can make it to everyones house/pub I can in 5 hours!!
I read a comment on the site mentioned above and although as I'm finding not drinking quite easy now I really like this as a mantra for stress in general “your situation is like someone that thinks they’re drowning but doesn’t realize that they’re only knee deep in water. Stand up and move on.” nice!

Wednesday 26 November 2008


Im a big fan of Facebook...I work from home on a computer so I have plenty of time when Im not speaking to people at work so I have a little browse on what people are up to. I've often got stick for updating my status too often (2x a day is not often!). Anyway I found a group that sums the whole thing up! "Im not drinking for a year". There was only 1 member and no admin so I've taken over the group. Hopefully more people will join . Within 3 minutes of me updating this group one of my 'friends' on facebook send me a 'cosmopolitan request'..Ignore. It did make me smile though

Sods Law

The first week we gave up drinking a case of free wine arrived on our doorstep...seriously! I forgot that I switched energy suppliers and it came with a free case of Virgin Wine. Also that month the kitchen got fitted...with the wine rack I specifically requested (I really didnt think that through)
In the end we gave most of the wine away and kept 4 bottles just to fill the rack (which then got drunk by friends and family over the next month!).

Its always the same when you give something up, there always seems to be multiple reasons to start again. Its like when you quit smoking and can only see cigarettes in everyones hands you pass in the street (its a bit like a super can sense it without even trying).
The truth is though that these things would have happened anyway and will continue to happen, so when people say 'oh but you can drink just think once, its a special occasion' (for them). They dont realise that everyone has special occasions and if that were an excuse you'd never give up.
In fact while on this subject I'll mention a type of people who although are dear friends, bug me for this reason...I hear every time were in a situation where they are drinking and we are not 'your not as much fun when your not drinking'. The truth is I'm sick of F***ing hearing you say that 10 times during the night. Perhaps if you didnt mention it every 30 minutes, I would have a better time!! (I'll protect your name for the sake of privacy but you know who you are ;-) Seriously though, if I'm the type of person who only amuses you when I'm drunk then either you need better friends or I need to change! (god I hope I'm not like Fun Bobby from Friends!).

Another coincidence recently was that I won an award at work. A trip to London and a free bar! Bloody place didnt have anything for non-drinkers except water and OJ! Still it was a good night and testament to having a good time without alcohol. In fact if we had been drunk we probably wouldnt have wandered around London at 1am laughing at people drinking wine out of the bottle in McDonald's at Marble Arch...classy!

Off to a 70's party on Friday. Shame I dont do drugs would be 'in theme' and not drinking wouldn't be an issue at all. Truth is I'm sure it will be a good night, and I've almost forgotten what it is to drink in a pub/party situation anymore, so I'll be 'gett'in my groove on' and dancing the night away...providing I remember to get a costume. I think I'll post some pictures after the party.

Tuesday 25 November 2008


Its been 110 days since I last had a drink of beer!

So...why have I started this blog? I've often thought about blogging given that I work in IT and I'm a geek!! Its my 29th year on this planet and I think I have something worth writing about. I've decided to give up alcohol for a year (as has my lovely wife).
We had talked about this a few times in the past year, I think more trying to see if the other one was serious or not, finally after 1 hangover too many we decided to take the plunge and start from 1st Jan 2009...oh but wait! cant do that because it would run over my 30th Birthday (and that would be no fun!), so after a bit of a rethink we started our mission on 7th August 2008 (with a hangover).
When we first told people we were going to do this most peoples reaction was "why?...whatever (you'll never do it), yeah yeah". Its now been 110 days and we've been to parties, award ceremonies, meals with friends and family and just down the pub and not a drop of alcohol has been consumed!
I think the best thing about not drinking (apart from the £50 we save in taxis each time) is that we've started to do things we never would have done before. Last month we danced on stage at the Billingsgate in London totally sober. Now normally I would never dance...for 2 reasons: 1 I cant dance, and mobile phones can now video dancing! However as a sober person I can make the personal choice to make a fool of myself...and I quite enjoyed it!
Ive been looking back over the past 110 days (I can do that thanks to facebook!) and heres a summary of the things I've done sober:
  • My 29th Birthday (I got a boat!) We stayed in a country house and had a great time. We took non-alcoholic beer and to be honest I'm glad. I didnt get tired, we stayed up late and we really got the most out of our money
  • Sky Diving. I did my first tandem sky dive
  • Been out with work (this was one of the first 'no beer' nights and my boss even commented on how civilised it all was (he doesnt drink anyway). Not drinking also meant I could leave early the next day which was a bonus
  • Been to the pub/partys. Have to admit this is one area where although I've still had a good night I havent stayed until the end. I wanted to make a big deal about how it wouldnt change anything by not drinking but it does. Sitting in a crappy pub surrounded by people who slowly get stupider isnt that much fun. The answer is to stay for 3 drinks and leave!! This has the added bonus of getting 2 nights out of 1 which we've used to go see other friends in other pubs or just chill out at home

Over the next 9 months I have a holiday to Cyprus to see my brother get married (opted to stay in a Villa with a pool rather than near the pubs!!), work nights out, friends 30th birthdays, weddings (if certain people get their finger out! you know who you are!), Christmas, New Year and god knows what else...So I'm going to start blogging and hopefully people with find what I have to say entertaining/amusing/interesting